参考 csdiy 和一些个人的经验
CS Basic
Mostly as an introduction to programming tools and research tackles.
Including Shell\CMake\Vim\Git\System debugging…
connect with [MIT: The Missing Semester]
MIT 6.null: The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
A detailed handbook for every CS student to learn tools that they certainly need but classes don’t teach.
Just learn and be familiar advancely.
Full name: CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Version: summer 2020
Language: Python(along with Scheme, SQL)
focus on abstraction
“这不仅仅是一门编程语言课,而是会深入到程序构造与运行的原理。最后你将在第 4 个 Project 中用 Python 实现一个 Scheme 的解释器。此外,抽象将是这门课的一大主题,你将学习到函数式编程、数据抽象、面向对象等等知识来让你的代码更易读,更模块化。当然,学习编程语言也是这门课的一大内容,你将会掌握 Python、Scheme 和 SQL 这三种编程语言,在它们的学习和比较中,相信你会拥有快速掌握一门新的编程语言的能力。"(quote from flyingpig at https://csdiy.wiki/)
Stanford CS106L: Standard C++ Programming
Language: C++
Try to familiar with C++ standard features and expressions, instead of C-style-code with .cpp file
There is a full lecture recording playlist of Fall 2019, and the course site here, for slides were not released at Fall-2019 website, there Winter2020 are more resouces.
Learn more features here
- Many Markdown editor (e.g. Typora) has its own extensive module and may not compatible with each other, in a word: dialect.
- If you are planning one Markdown text for multiple use, e.g., blog page/note-taking/公众号, for format controling, make sure you are not using any “dialect”.
A markdown-like syntax for create simple graphs in the mark texts.
Easy to produce and can live view in the Typora
Light&Easy, for generate illustration in Latex
no more Visio!
First for Flowchart Orientation to start!
for compiling
under python
Automatically draw mavelous picture and animation for illustrate Math or Algorithm.
It’s really awsome!!!
Machine Learning
One of the official tutorial: LEARNING PYTORCH WITH EXAMPLES.
Course videos in Chinese at Pytorch
CS Advanced
- Numerical Analysis
Games 101: Introduction to Computer Graphics
A marvelous introduction of Computer Graphics by Linqi Yan, you would love this.
Arch & Sys