Lecture materials, records and readings


AICG-21 index homepage



Here is roughly the topics I’ll cover and when.

Rendering objects

Week endingTopics
29 JanRay tracing in all its glory; plenoptic functions
5 FebA little radiometry; NERFY representations
12 FebDifferentiable rendering
19 FebNeural rendering

Computational Photography

Week endingTopics
26 FebRecovering illumination fields from pictures
5 MarRecovering material properties from pictures
12 MarMore NERFY representations
19 MarIndeterminate problems: colorization; the future in video

Modelling objects

Week endingTopics
26 MarObject representations; voxels, pointnet, CVxNet, and the like
2 AprPredictive models: what will it look like in another view?
9 AprMapping material representations to surfaces


Week endingTopics
16 AprMoving objects, blending and skinning
23 AprAnimating humans
30 AprCollisions and cloth